About Us

Hello from Kitchen Viva.

You finally discovered us! We are a team that loves traditional cookware, and this platform is our way of sharing knowledge.

What began as a quest to provide simple guides on Chinese cooking has evolved to become an authority in all things kitchen.

So, whether you’re here for some how-to content or simply looking for suggestions on the best woks, we’ve got you covered.

Your Ultimate Guide to Kitchen Accessories

Looking for the perfect appliances for your kitchen? Look no further. Kitchen Viva is always up to date with the most relevant information.

What’s more, as a reader-supported platform, we write independent product reviews. Helping our readers get the best bang for their bucks remains our top priority.

We help you get the latest insights on:

  • The best woks and cooking pots for your budget
  • Cookbooks for your preferred cuisine
  • Buying guides so you get value for money-Frequently asked questions on utensils et cetera

You can rely on us to provide you with fresh and independently authored write-ups. Our authors and reviewers do everything in their capacity to help you identify good opportunities whenever possible.

Why Trust Us?

Trust is earned. We are a team that believes in “Honesty is the best policy.” What you get from us is first-world quality made for you by top quality assessors.

Before we recommend any products or methods to our readers we have a strict quality assurance policy that we adhere to:

(1) Only legitimate woks, cookbooks, and kitchen appliances are recommended here

(2) We don’t cut corners, we tell the truth as it is

(3) We are passionate about cooking

Our scope is not just limited to stir frying. We are knowledgeable on using ancient and current Asian cooking techniques to help you prepare your favorite dishes.

A Potful of Wisdom

Investing some quality time in researching before you shop can help you come up with a better plan. In addition, it can help you cut costs without compromising on quality.

We are here so you can make wise purchases. Feel free to get in touch with us if you have inquiries on woks, cookbooks, pots, and kitchen accessories in general.