How to Cook Scrambled Eggs in Stainless Steel Pan?

How hard can cooking a scrambled egg in a stainless pan be? It’s hard. That is why your eggs stick in the pan, or you get rubbery eggs. Where do you go wrong? The bad results might be due to heat, fat, or the egg itself.

Luckily, here is a guide on How to cook scrambled eggs in stainless steel pan? You will find out why you should scramble eggs in a stainless-steel pan and what to do if you want to avoid poor results. Read to the end for best results in your quest of making that professional chef-level scrambled eggs.

Let’s get to it.

How to cook scrambled eggs in a stainless-steel pan

Cooking scrambled eggs in a pan isn’t easy as you may think. That’s the reason why you don’t get your desired, and the eggs stick on the pan. In this section is the proper process to do it, but let’s first look at what makes your eggs stick on the pan.

Reason do stick eggs in stainless steel pan

Stainless steels pans are designed for food to stick on them—the aim of sticking being to create fondness. When cooking scrambled eggs, the proteins form chemical bonds with the metallic pan. However, you can avoid this annoying tendency. To do that, you need to create a coating on the pan using a cooking spray and medium heat.

Remember that too hot or cold, the eggs will stick on the pan.

cooking scrambled eggs in stainless-steel pan without sticking – Step By Step process

  • Break your eggs into an easy-to-handle container—easy to pour from. Then beat it to uniformity. You will add any seasoning you intend to use at this point.
  • Set a non-stick pan on the burner. The pan should be proportionate in size to your burner. Using a smaller pan would help; however, use an 8-inch stainless steel pan for less than three eggs. For a more significant number of eggs, use a 12-inch one. The pan’s size ensures even cooking.
  • Using medium-low heat, heat the pan until it’s hot enough. You can test the pan’s readiness by splashing water on it. If the water beads and rounds around the pan, it’s hot enough to cook the eggs. Note that if the water evaporates, then the pan is too hot.
  • After ascertaining the pan’s hotness, add ½ – 1 tablespoon of your cooking oil. Unless the cooking oil is solid, add your eggs immediately. If the fat is solid, you will wait until it starts to melt.
  • Let the eggs cook without disturbing them until you notice a color change and form on the eggs at the edge of the pan. Using a spatula, gently peel the eggs from the pan’s sides. You will then stir the eggs to cook evenly. Keep going at 30 seconds intervals until they are cooked but still moisturized. Your eggs will be ready for serving.

Scrambled eggs cooking tip: If you aren’t removing your eggs immediately from the pan, undercook it a little. The heat from the pan will continue cooking it when the burner is off. Leaving it in the pan is the safest way to ensure the eggs don’t burn.

Keep in mind that, despite the process above, there are mistakes you should avoid.

Common mistakes to avoid while cooking scrambled eggs.

Despite scrambled eggs having many ways to make, there are some mistakes you should be wary of. These mistakes include:

Limiting the eggs whisking process

Making this mistake is easy. All you need is to be in a hurry. Thorough whisking is essential if you want soft, fluffy scrambled eggs. If you rush through this process, the yolk won’t blend with the eggs white. This process also allows air into the eggs.

To get it right, attentively whisk the eggs—ultimately breaking the York up and bleeding it with the white. When done well, you should have a uniformly yellow egg. Depending on how vigorous you are, it should take around 30-40 seconds.

Hurrying in whisking the eggs

While cooking, it’s tempting to get everything ready before you start. It is different from cooking scrambled eggs. The whisking process serves to blend the yolk with the white end, allowing air into the eggs. If you whisk before putting it in the pan, the extra air will escape and deflate the eggs.

Using aged or low-quality eggs

Apart from how you whisk the eggs, you should ensure the quality of the eggs. Too old or low quality, you won’t get the desired scrambled eggs. To determine the age of the egg, put them in a bowl of water and check the ones that sink or float. The fresh ones will float.

Using high heat

Don’t set the heat high for faster cooking. That is wrong. The high heat may end up burning the eggs or overcooking.

Cooking the eggs for long

Scrambled eggs are supposed to be moist and soft. Don’t let it on the heat thinking that it isn’t ready. As much as you want it to cook well, leaving it to cook for long will get you the dry, rubbery eggs.

Getting this entire process right depends on your precision in following the steps above and being careful; however, the cookware you use also matters. Stainless steel pans come top of other types of cookware here.

Reason to use stainless steel pan

Stainless steel pans are preferred by a professional cooks, chefs, and restaurants because they are indestructible. Apart from that, they have good heat distribution, are easy to handle, and when properly used, the eggs won’t stick.

Let’s cook now

Practicing makes perfect. It’s time to try cooking your scrambled eggs using the perfect scrambled eggs recipe you have read. Remember to reference here for the mistakes to avoid and how to prevent the eggs from sticking. In doing so, you will get nothing but the scrambled eggs you want.

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